martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015


·         ESTÁNDAR: Expreso mis ideas sensaciones y sentimientos con oraciones cortas y claras y una pronunciación comprensible.

Debe estar presentado con normas APA, Debe ser hecho a mano. En hojas en blanco tamaño carta carpeta de presentación sin anillar y excelente presentación
Recuerde que el trabajo vale el 50 % de su recuperación y el examen que se hará el día de la presentación del trabajo el otro 50%

     translate the next verbs to Spanish and realize a crossword with this verbs .
Arrive, ask, buy, run, play, draw, build, break, cook, dance, fight, describe, discover, eat, enjoy, put, drive, feel.
2 complete with can and can't and translate the sentences

a. He play football very well,
b. but he play rugby: he's not good at rugby.
c. This cake is delicious: you cook very well!
d. Mum, I go out tonight? 
·         3.Realice un video de cómo proteger el medio ambiente en ingles debe aparecer el integrantes
·         4. Escriba cinco oraciones en ingles usando el modal  Can con traducción en forma afirmativa negativa e interrogativa cada oración con un dibujo
·         5. Busque que son lass huertas escolares y realice un resumen de minimo 6 parrafos en ingles
·         6. Prepare una exposición sobre el tema de huertas escolares y represente con una imagen su importancia

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015



My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and/or cousins living in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year. We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015


Verbo to be
Presente progresivo
Pasado progresivo
Vocabulario de entrevista
Conversaciones Role play

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015


Asignatura: inglés
Grado: 8º
Plan de mejoramiento Periodo 2

ESTÁNDAR: Expreso mis ideas sensaciones y sentimientos con oraciones cortas y claras y una pronunciación comprensible.
Debe estar presentado con normas APA, Debe ser hecho a mano. En hojas en blanco tamaño carta carpeta de presentación sin anillar y excelente presentación
Recuerde que el trabajo vale el 50 % de su recuperación y el examen que se hará el día de la presentación del trabajo el otro 50%
1 translate the next verbs to Spanish and realize a crossword with this verbs .
Arrive, ask, buy, run, play, draw, build, break, cook, dance, fight, describe, discover, eat, enjoy, put, drive, feel.
2 complete with can and can't
a. He play football very well,
b. but he play rugby: he's not good at rugby.
c. This cake is delicious: you cook very well!
d. Mum, I go out tonight?
e. No, you .
f. I'm sure you do this exercise alone: it's very easy!
g. This is too difficult! I do it. h. your uncle speak Chines

4 realize five examples in negative present continuos.
5 realize five examples in interrogative present continuous .
6 translate the next text to Spanish and respond the questions
I´m sitting on the beach, eating an icecream,
Alice and Paul are swimming in the sea and Tom is in the park.
 He´s playing with a friend. Peter is listening to the radio and reading.
We´re having a fantastic holiday.
7 Do a collage with imagines that you like and write sentences with the relative cluses
8 Read and write the next text in English and answer the questions
Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which never found itsDescripción: way into his talk, but which spoke not only in these silent symbols of the after-dinnerface, but more often and loudly in the acts of his life. He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theater, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove. "I inclineto Cain's heresy," he used to say quaintly: "I let my brother go to the devil in his own way." In this character, it was frequently his fortune to be the last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of downgoing men. And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanour.
No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best, and even his friendship seemed to be founded in a similar catholicity of good-nature. It is the mark of a modest man to accept his friendly circle ready-made from the hands of opportunity; and that was the lawyer's way. His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest; his affections, like ivy, were the growth of time, they implied no aptness in the object. Hence, no doubt the bond that united him to Mr. Richard Enfield, his distant kinsman, the well-known man about town. It was a nut to crack for many, what these two could see in each other, or what subject they could find in common. It was reported by those who encountered them in their Sunday walks, that they said nothing, looked singularly dull and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of a friend. For all that, the two men put the greatest store by these excursions, counted them the chief jewel of each week, and not only set aside occasions of pleasure, but even resisted the calls of business, that they might enjoy them uninterrupted.
9. Answer the question
·        What is the principal idea of the text
·        Write the principal characters of the story

·        The expression “said nothing” means

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015


Lea la siguiente explicacion y ecriba en el cuaderno lo mas importante

Del 1 al 12
one (1)two (2)three (3)four (4)five (5)six (6)seven (7)eight (8)nine (9)ten(10)eleven (11)twelve (12)
Del 13 al 19
La terminación es "-teen" que suena como "tin" en español.
thirteen (13)fourteen (14)fifteen (15)sixteen (16)seventeen (17)eighteen (18)nineteen (19)
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
La terminación es "-ty" y suena como "ti" en español.
twenty (20)thirty (30)forty (40)fifty (50)sixty (60)seventy (70)eighty (80)ninety(90)
Para formar decenas se añade un guión después de la decenas y el número.
twenty-one (21)thirty-two (32)forty-three (43)fifty-four (54)sixty-five (65),seventy-six (76)eighty-seven (87)ninety-eight (98)

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015


  • To- be (past)
  • Frequency adverbs
  • WH questions
  • Cardinal Numbers
  • Occupations
  • Likes and aptitudes